Avocado exports from Mexico marginally break record in 2020

Although marginally, Mexican avocado exports edged a new record in 2020, with exports totaling $2.937 billion dollars, up from the $2.932 billion recorded in 2019, according to Opportimes.
Avocados top the list of the country's main agri-food exports, surpassing tomatoes, peppers and pork.
Globally, Hass avocados are the predominant variety marketed, and in Mexico, exporters source the fruit from the Michoacán and Jalisco producing regions.
During the last five years, avocado exports have registered an annual average of slightly about 2.0 million dollars, according to data from the Mexican Ministry of Economy.
Once a purchase price is tentatively agreed upon, the fruit is harvested and delivered ot the packinghouses of the exporting companies.
Companies also purchase fruit directly from other Mexican packers as a supplemental source, and that fruit is packed to standards for shipment to customer or operational facilities.
U.S. market
In California, the growing area extends from San Diego County to Monterey County, with most of the growing areas located approximately 100 miles north and south of Los Angles County.
California-grown Hass avocados are generally available year-round with peak production periods occurring from April to August.
Other important growing areas from which U.S. companies have sourced avocados include Peru and Colombia.
The shelf life of fresh avocados is limited, usually ranging from one to four weeks, depending on the maturity of the fruit, the growing methods used and the handling conditions in the distribution chain.