U.S.: California hits second highest table grape export volume in 2014-15

California's table grape industry had a strong export season from May 2014 through to January this year, second only in volume to the record export campaign of 2013-14.

A display contest for California grapes in Indonesia
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) data shows the state exported 44.5 million 19-pound boxes to destinations around the world, including Canada, in 2014-15.
Canada was the largest export market, followed by Mexico, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Australia.
"The export volume in 2014-15 represented just over 40 percent of the total California table grape crop," said California Table Grape Commission president Kathleen Nave.
Significant year-on-year hikes in volume were seen in Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and in Indonesia where volumes returned to pre 2013-14 levels as the Indonesia government lifted the volume restrictions for the 2014-15 season.
The top 10 export markets, including Canada, account for almost 80% of exports.
"Demand in export markets is a reflection of the large export volume and promotional programs that have helped to motivate the handling and movement of California grapes," Nave said.
The commission implemented a comprehensive promotional program in 25 export markets during the period. Retailers were targeted to motivate handling and move volume of California grapes throughout the season in chain-wide promotions, with promotion examples including in-store samplings, special displays, display contests, point-of-purchase materials, consumer advertising and recipe leaflets.