Brazil sets date to lift Argentine pome fruit ban

Despite Argentina's requests over recent weeks, Brazil does not look set to lift its ban on pome fruit imports from its neighbor until early July.Â
Meetings were held last week between plant health officials from the two countries, in which potential modifications to the current Apple, Pear and Quince Export Program were assessed under a new risk mitigation system for the codling moth pest.
The Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) took the decision to suspend Argentine pome fruit imports on March 24, citing numerous detections of the pest in shipments.
A representative of the Argentine Chamber of Integrated Fruit Growers (CAFI) in March told he believed the ban was 'unjustified and hasty'.
During the recent meeting, which took place in Argentina, conditions to lift the suspension during the current season were reportedly agreed upon.
Argentina's National Food Health and Quality Service (Senasa) said that the Brazilian delegation had presented the most important findings of the export program's last audit, and that the suggested measures would be incorporated into a work plan from 2016 onward.
The Argentine technicians also presented proposals for how to reduce the pest risk.
Senasa said in a statement Brazil had accepted the technical measures proposed by Argentina and agreed upon the majority of conditions.
Regarding the reopening, Senasa said "Brazil had indicated July 1 as the date for shipments to begin again, but the Argentine delegation argued that such a long wait was not necessary, and requested June 1."
Related story:Â Large Argentine pome fruit exporter goes bust