How can fruits help improve oral health?

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How can fruits help improve oral health?

"There is no health without oral health." You may have heard this statement, but what does it really mean? 

Oral health is more important than many of us realize. It is a key indicator of overall health, which is essential to our well-being and quality of life.

Although largely preventable, untreated tooth decay is the most common health condition worldwide. 

When we think about the potential consequences of untreated oral disease, including pain, reduced quality of life, missed work or school days, disrupted family life and decreased work productivity, it is incredibly important to make sure our mouth stays healthy.

What is a healthy mouth?

The mouth, also called oral cavity, begins at the lips and ends at the throat. A healthy mouth and well-functioning teeth are important at all stages of life, as they support human functions such as breathing, speaking and eating. 

In a healthy mouth, the tissues are moist, odorless and painless. When we speak of a healthy mouth, we are referring not only to the teeth, but also to the gingival (or gum) tissue and the supporting bone, collectively known as the periodontium. 

How can fruits help?

Just like a healthy body, a healthy smile depends on good nutrition. A balanced diet with the right nutrients is essential for a healthy mouth and, in turn, a healthy mouth supports nutritional wellness. 

Food choices and eating habits are important in preventing cavities and gum disease.

Minerals such as calcium and phosphorus contribute to dental health by protecting and rebuilding tooth enamel. 

Enamel is the hard outer protective layer of the tooth (fun fact: enamel is the hardest substance in the human body).

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Harvard University points out that when it comes to a healthy smile, fruits and vegetables are also good choices, as they are high in water and fiber, which balance the sugars they contain and help clean teeth.

These foods also help stimulate saliva, which helps remove acids and food from the teeth, neutralizing acid and protecting teeth from decay. 

Many fruits and vegetables also have vitamins such as vitamin C, which is important for healing and healthy gums, and vitamin A, another key nutrient in the formation of tooth enamel.

Water is the clear winner as the best drink for your teeth, especially fluoridated water. It helps keep the mouth clean and helps combat dry mouth. 

Fluoride is needed regularly throughout life to protect teeth from decay.  

Drinking fluoridated water is one of the easiest and most beneficial things you can do to help prevent cavities.

Studies reveal the link between oral health and overall health, it becomes more evident that taking care of your teeth is not just about having a nice smile and pleasant breath. 

Studies show that poor oral health is linked to heart disease, diabetes, pregnancy complications and more, while good oral health can improve both mental and overall health.

Also, good oral hygiene and regular dental visits, combined with a healthy lifestyle and avoiding risks such as excess sugar and smoking, help keep your smile and body healthy.

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