Strawberry season kicks off in British supermarkets

Despite a cold snap during the growing season, Tesco has begun to stock British grown strawberries four days earlier than last year.
The early arrival of the fruit follows an overall mild winter in England. There were a few cold spells, but not enough to seriously affect growing conditions.
A Tesco release also claims the 'coup' was made possible because of the early flowering variety, Fleurette, and new state-of-the-art production techniques.
"We have worked with one of our long-standing growers to replicate the perfect growing conditions of strawberries at the height of the UK season to help customers enjoy Britain’s favourite fruit as early as possible," says Tesco strawberry buyer, Henry Maulik.
The traditional British strawberry season ran from May to September but now it can last for up to nine months, according to the retailer.
"The arrival of the first English strawberries is great news for those yearning for longer, brighter days because it not only signifies the start of the British growing season but also heralds the start of springtime."
Despite Tesco claiming its English strawberries 'win the race to produce the first English strawberries', Waitrose also launched its English-grown strawberries today (March 4) and make similar claims to be the 'first supermarket of the year to introduce English grown strawberries.'