Chile regains position as the main exporter of table grapes from the southern hemisphere

The Chilean table grape industry exported 64 million boxes, equivalent to 528,795 tons during the 2023-24 fiscal year.

calendar_today July 22 , 2024
US Federal Register confirms publication of Systems Approach approval for Chilean table grapes

The new protocol will be officially published on Thursday, July 19 in the official gazette of the executive branch of the U.S. government, after more than 20 years of negotiations between the two countries.

calendar_today July 18 , 2024
Industry reacts to approval of Systems Approach for Chilean grapes

The protocol is still awaiting its official publication by the U.S. Federal Registrar and approval in the Chilean National Congress. 

calendar_today July 09 , 2024
Global Grape Convention 2024: Perspectives and challenges of the industry with focus on Latin America

The Global Grape Convention will be held Thursday, August 8 at the Casino Monticello Events Center in Chile and is organized by Yentzen Group.

calendar_today July 08 , 2024
Chile will be able to export table grapes to the U.S. with Systems Approach

The first grapes exported under the System Approach are expected to start in November this year.

calendar_today June 30 , 2024
North American imports of Chilean grapes to hit 40 million boxes in 2023-24

The sector is looking at a total production of 62,5 million boxes, according to Frutas de Chile’s last industry survey. If realized, this would mean a 4% increase over earlier projections, which put production at 60 million boxes.

calendar_today May 13 , 2024
Chile: Systems Approach for table grapes vital to compete in US market

Chilean exporters and authorities expected to have the protocol approved for the 2023-24 season, but an issue related with the Free Trade Agreement between Chile and the EU is holding it back.

calendar_today April 16 , 2024
Agronometrics in Charts: Chilean table grape season in full swing

The United States is anticipated to absorb approximately 57% of Chilean supplies, equivalent to around 35 million boxes.

calendar_today March 21 , 2024
Chilean table grape volumes revised down

Despite the head start in Coquimbo, harvests in the Valparaíso, Metropolitan and O’Higgins regions were much later due, in part, to a colder spring.

calendar_today March 14 , 2024
U.S. imports of Chilean grapes to hit 35 million boxes

The East Coast will receive approximately 15 million of those boxes, and the West Coast 5 million.

calendar_today March 07 , 2024
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