Q&A: Colombia presents its country brand, 'Avocados from Colombia'

The Colombian Hass avocado industry presented its country brand: “Avocados from Colombia, sustainability from the heart,” inspired by nature's harmony and Colombians' pride in their identity. With it, Colombia seeks to position the variety as a reference of sustainability, from an environmental, social, and economic perspective.
At FreshFruitPortal.com we spoke with the executive director of CorpoHass, Katheryn Mejía Vergel, who pointed out that Hass avocado is the third most exported fruit in Colombia, generating important income and formal employment in the country.
How many hectares of avocado are in production in Colombia?
According to the Ministry of Agriculture report, Colombia currently has a total of 55,000 hectares (135,907 acres) planted, of which 32,500 hectares (80,309 acres) are registered exporters.
What are the main production challenges you have faced during the season?
When we have analyzed the productive cycle, one of the challenges has been the issue of plant material, in terms of being able to understand which is best suited to the conditions of the tropics, what higher levels of productivity it can offer to the industry, which can have additional production levels and meet the demand for reseeding in the country.
Also, the results of research that the different laboratories that are working in the different nurseries are giving us, are working on the subject of plant material, clonal trees, and the different varieties that are being tested in the country.
What was the total volume exported last season?
Last year Colombia exported close to 127,000 tons.
What is the volume exported to date?
For this year, the country's goal is 147,000 tons and so far, counting production up to May, about 57,000 tons have been exported. That gives us compliance with the projection for these same four months of about 95%, so we believe that the goal we have of 147,000 tons may be very close to being met.
What are the main destination markets?
Europe continues to be Colombia's main market, accounting for 85% of exports. This year we may be a little below that percentage, taking into account that the goal is also to be able to export around 15% to the United States. With a lower participation, we have Latin America and Canada, which represent 1%.
What markets are you looking to promote and develop?
For this year we have set a goal to grow in the United States. Last year we had 11% of exports and the goal this year is to reach 15%. Another target market is Chile. The phytosanitary authorities of Colombia and Chile are currently working on the authorization of farms to be able to export to Chile.
So far we have only 400 farms authorized for the Chilean market and we have just applied for 27 more so that, as these farms are authorized, we will be able to make a much more accurate and precise calculation of the volumes that these farms can be contributing.
Chileans are today the main consumer of Hass avocados in the world in terms of per capita consumption making it important for us as a producing country to be able to reach this market. They already know how to consume avocados and we know that there is an important demand that can be covered by Colombian producers on dates when consumption by Chilean production is not enough to be covered.
What marketing strategies are you developing in the markets?
We have just launched our brand “Avocados from Colombia, sustainability from the heart”, which seeks to highlight the origin of avocados from Colombia and the commitment that our Hass avocado producers have to sustainability from its three pillars: economic, social, and environmental.
Today, avocado production in Colombia is carried out in 16 regions and more than 220 municipalities, with a positive impact on those economies and the quality of life of their inhabitants.
The development of avocado cultivation and its sustainable production is based on the respectful and harmonious use of natural resources, which are indispensable for agriculture. In this way, we can additionally guarantee food security, which we need so much as humanity.
How has the launch of the country brand been received?
A month ago we launched in Europe, in the port of Antwerp, Belgium, on board the ship Gloria, which is Colombia's ambassador at sea with our main European customers. The reception from this market has been very positive because they see how our message can reach each one of the consumers, who today are much more aware of the responsibility we have in agricultural production.
In addition, you can see the continuous and permanent work from CorpoHass with the entire supply chain to achieve these objectives. We expect to launch soon in the United States and Chile.
How has the quality of the Colombian avocado been so far?
From CorpoHass we have been doing a great campaign with the producers so that we know the quality criteria, which are increasingly decisive to achieve the preference of each of the markets we are reaching. We have been reviewing and implementing a quality post-harvest guide to improve harvest and post-harvest practices, both in the orchards and in the packing houses.
We have received very good feedback from each of our customers, who have participated in the launch. Colombia is definitely learning more and more how to improve and know the quality criteria of each of the markets.
What are the industry's commercial challenges?
At a commercial level, Colombia's challenge continues to be to make itself known more and more in consumer markets so that our consumers know the different production areas that Colombia has and the implications that this also has on the diversity of the fruit, in the sizes and characteristics of the fruit, due to the different climates. Additionally, it's good that they know where the fruit is produced and harvested during different seasons.
But we also have to take advantage of Colombia's great commitment to sustainability to continue winning over consumers, who are increasingly concerned about these issues, and how we continue to help large producing countries that make wonderful efforts with consumers to increase consumption in all these campaigns.
What innovations are being developed for avocados?
Colombia has been working closely with the Ministry of the Environment and the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) on issues of adaptation to climate change, and how we understand the impact that these differences in climate behavior are having on production.
We are working on phytosanitary monitoring issues, for pest and disease control, and we promote the use of biological products or bioinputs. Colombia has a huge challenge in production because it is located in the tropics and pest and disease control becomes a challenge every day, especially with the issue of climate change.
We are also focused on conquering the youth labor force, which increasingly believes it is less likely to work in the field and we want to show them that working in the production and export of Hass avocados in Colombia can be a great opportunity.
How do you project the Colombian avocado industry in the coming years?
The projection we see is that Colombia will continue to increase its production levels, because of the hectares that are not yet in production and are planted. With the renewal of plant material, which the large companies are doing and also supporting the entire chain of small and medium-sized producers, the country's productivity will improve.